Introducing myCTCs
Circulating Tumor Cells (myCTCs) is a type of “Liquid Biopsy” potentially a minimally invasive alternative to traditional tissue biopsy to determine cancer therapy. It may be used to indicate prognosis and to monitor treatment. Why myCTCs is important? Because a simple blood test that can tell you more about your cancer.

Cancer produces tumor cells and DNA caused by cancer will surface in blood. Analytically and clinically validated reagents is used to detect tumor cells from a patient’s blood sample. Everything is done with a non-invasive blood sample test.

myCTC’s provides information your doctor may not be able to collect from traditional biopsy and information that can be used to see if the treatment is working or not.
To learn more or get started by ordering the test, contact us at: [email protected]. To get started, you can order the test
Covid-19 Testing
Clinical Laboratory Center of Excellence